Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Liebster Blog award

I recieved this blog award from http://FriendsCraftingwithFriends.blogspot.com
this is what you are suppose to do
"Liebster" is German for "Dearest". The award is a "Share the love arrangement", given to inspirational bloggers with less that 200 followers.

Here's the to do list for any of the Liebster Blog Award recipients.

1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.

2. Link back to the blogger who presented you the award .

3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.

4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers.

5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog.

I had a hard time choosing who to give this award to, as there are so many deserving bloggers. Here is the list of people I have chosen to give the award to:


  1. I feel honored Vickie, thank you. I will be sure to spread the love to other recipients. You are a doll! Thanks!!!

  2. Yay Vickie, you got your links to work!!! Great job my friend!
